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8D Precision Lip Design – Natural Petal Lips – SC

Achieving Natural Lips with the 8D Precision Lip Design Technique

petal lips side


This case study highlights the use of the “Petal Lips: 8 Point Precision” procedure focused on the goals from the consultation appointment with our client.

Client’s Desire:

The client desired slightly fuller lips while maintaining a completely natural appearance. She expressed concerns about wanting to improve the lines around her mouth, and gaining some lips back as she felt they have been slowly disappearing, while avoiding an overdone or artificial look or any artificial chemicals.  She had great outcomes with some of our other procedures and was excited to improve her lip area.

The 8D Precision Lip Design Technique:

Applying our 8D Precision Lip Design technique, Dr. Lefty developed a comprehensive approach to this client’s bio-gel lip filler treatment planning, ensuring her smile transformation aligned with her facial features, social concerns and boosts her confidence. Here’s how she achieved this:

  • Facial Design: Dr. Lefty analyzed her client’s face to ensure the lip enhancement would complement her features, not overpower them while achieving the goal of a “completely natural appearance”.
  • Golden Ratio: This guideline helped her achieve balanced lip proportions for a beautiful smile.
  • Social Goals: Dr. Lefty understands the connection between a confident smile and social interactions. Fuller, defined lips, with fewer lines helped her achieve our client’s goal of feeling more comfortable smiling.

Our consultation process allowed us to understand her specific desires:

  • Desired Smile Look: Subtle change in volume with improvement in facial lines, more balanced lip proportion  with the upper versus the lower lip.
  • Social Concerns: Having some lip structure in order to smile more confidently.
  • Overall Aesthetic Goals: Restoring lip structures without making them look fake, and improving fine lines.

By combining facial design principles, the golden ratio for proportions, and an understanding of our client’s social goals, Dr. Lefty created a personalized lip filler treatment plan. This approach ensures a natural-looking enhancement that empowers our client to smile with confidence in any social setting.

The “Petal Lips: 8D Precision Lip Design” consisted of the following techniques for this patient utilizing bio-gel created from a blood draw:

  • Increase volume in specific areas for a subtle plumping effect, while regaining upper lip dominance present in a more youthful smile
  • Refine the lip border for a natural, slightly sharper definition
  • Improve symmetry for a balanced appearance, especially in the height of the upper lip
  • Address vertical lip lines for a smoother texture around the entire oral commissure
  • Enhance overall lip shape while maintaining a natural look

Treatment Process:

  • Our client was anesthetized utilizing precise Inferior Orbital and Mental Foramen blocks on both left and right sides with a short acting dental anesthetic. 
  • Precise injections were completed with a cannula to reduce post-procedure swelling and bruising which was important to our client, but still allowing us to achieve our goals.

Patient Satisfaction:

Immediately following the procedure, the patient had slightly more volume than her final result, which she understood at the beginning of the treatment.  The nature of PRF, which also allows it to be extremely safe compared to dermal fillers is that it shrinks, rather than expands.  By slightly over filling the area, the final result will be what the patient desires after the initial swelling goes down.  The patient was thrilled with the results, she liked that her lips appeared fuller, smoother, and more defined, all while maintaining a natural look.  She was most happy with the reduction in fine lines around her mouth and was looking forward to her follow up lip treatments.


The “8D Precision Lip Design” offers a safe and effective way to achieve customized lip enhancements. The minimally invasive procedure performed with bio-gel can address concerns about volume, definition, and smoothness, while creating beautiful petal lips that complement the client’s unique facial aesthetic.

Read more about all of our lip treatments here.

Book a Petal Lips: 8D Precision Lip Design consultation with Dr. Lefty.

ClientS.C.DateMay 2024Provider:Dr. Sheri LeftyShare
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