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Bio Gel Lower Face – SM

ClientSMProcedureBio GelProviderDr. Sheri LeftyShare

Achieving a Minimalist Bio Gel Treatment

This case study highlights the use of the lower face Bio Gel rejuvenation focused on the goals from the consultation appointment with our client.

Client’s Desire:

The client desired a subtle, natural treatment to enhance her appearance for an upcoming event. As someone new to facial aesthetics, she sought a procedure that would gently address age-related collagen loss and boost her confidence.  The goal was to add fullness in the areas of volume loss around the nasolabial folds, lower smile line and decrease lines around the lips.

The Bio Gel Technique:

Applying our design technique, Dr. Lefty developed a comprehensive approach to this client’s lower face bio gel filler treatment plan.  Ensuring her transformation aligned with her facial features, social concerns while boosting her self-confidence for the upcoming social event.  Here’s how Dr. Lefty achieved this:

  • Facial Design: Dr. Lefty analyzed her client’s face to ensure the lower face bio gel would complement her features, not overpower them while achieving the goal of adding volume around the nasolabial folds, lower smile line, as well as decrease lines around the lips.
  • Golden Ratio: This guideline helped balance facial proportions for a beautiful result.
  • Social Goals: Dr. Lefty understands the connection between confidence in appearance and social interactions.  Fuller, more younger lower face volume, and decreased lines around upper and lower lips helped achieve our client’s goal of addressing collagen loss and boosting her self-confidence for the upcoming social event.
Our aesthetic consultation process allowed us to understand her specific desires:
  • Desired Look: Noticeable change in volume with improvement in lower face balance, proportion, projection, symmetry, details and definition.
  • Social Concerns: Having more volume, less wrinkles that would bring more confidence in social situations.
  • Overall Aesthetic Goals: Reclaiming some of the age related volume loss in the lower face to help improve the client’s confidence in a social event.

By combining facial design principles, the golden ratio for proportions, and an understanding of our client’s social goals, Dr. Lefty created a personalized treatment plan. This approach ensures a medically sound, stunning outcome that empowers our client to feel confident in any social setting.

The bio gel treatment consisted of the following techniques for this patient utilizing bio gel filler.

  • Increase volume in specific areas for slight plumping effect, while reducing lines
  • Refine the nasolabial folds for a natural, slightly fuller definition
  • Improve symmetry for a balanced appearance, especially around the lips.

Treatment Process:

  • Our client was anesthetized utilizing precise Inferior Orbital and Mental Foramen blocks on both left and right sides with a short acting dental anesthetic. 
  • Precise injections were completed with cannulas through one opening on each side.  This allowed us to achieve our goals with maximum safety and minimum bruising.  We also maintain medical design and injection protocols to help reduce these side effects.


Patient Satisfaction:

Immediately following the procedure, the patient was thrilled with the outcome.  There was slight swelling due to the procedure, which she understood at the beginning of the treatment.  She loved that her face appeared fuller with reduction in the lines all around.  


The lower face bio gel filler procedure offers a safe and effective way to achieve customized facial enhancement. The procedure performed with bio gel can address concerns about volume, definition, and smoothness.  We used a 100% natural product created with the patient’s own platelet rich fibrin.

Read more about our bio gel services here.

Book an aesthetic consultation appointment with Dr. Lefty.

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